The phrase "life shrinks or expands according to a person's courage" suggests that our willingness to take risks and step out of our comfort zones can have a significant impact on our lives. As Christian leaders, we can find support for this idea in various passages of the Bible.
Read MoreTo a Christian, the phrase "Quitting should never be an option" holds a spiritual significance as it aligns with certain biblical principles.
One of the core beliefs of Christianity is that life is a journey, and each person has a unique purpose and mission to fulfill. This journey is not always easy, and there may be many obstacles and challenges along the way.
Read MoreYou long for the moment and wait for the day. You know and yet you wonder what. You sit. You stand. You walk in circles ... you pace.
Some days it’s easy and others it’s impossible to grip. It’s like holding mercury between your fingers.
It seems so easy yet you can’t.
It’s familiar and yet it’s faint.
Jesus loves you.
There’s an incredible law in motion.
\ As men make their plans in the dark /
\ As schemes are set in motion /
\ As people scurry about /
\ As innocent children struggle /
\ As the poor wait for a meal /
\ As the Christian seeks the King /
\ As the mom lovingly helps her child /
There is a Truth over it all.
An unhurried time with the Lord is the most precious part of our day! Henry Blackaby often taught wonderful truths from the scriptures about the prayer life of Jesus. His teaching has effected people over the planet. Hopefully today your prayer life will be effected.
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